Last chance to get production orders in. Our production facility will be on holiday from March 31-April 4th.
This page is your guide for all things Electroluminescent. From How-to Videos, to product shots, uses, and more, if you have questions about anything EL Wire, EL Tape, or EL Panels, you've come to the right place.
New To EL Wire? Click Here - This is a great guide for starters, new to the technology, what to look for, what to buy, etc.
The History Of Electroluminescence - This article goes through the history of Electroluminescent technology and why it has become popular. A must read!
How to Connect EL Wire - This is a step by step instruction guide for how to connect EL Wire to the inverter, or EZ Snap Connectors.
Choosing the Correct Inverter - How to choose the right inverter for your project.
EL Wire Data Sheet - Great information and specs for Electric Optics EL Wire.
I Want To Build My Own EL Wire Kit - Where Do I Start? Right here! Great info on different items you need to create your own customized kit.
EL Wire Safety - What the safety implications and how to use EL Wire safely.
How Electroluminescence Works - Great video on the history of Electroluminescence and basic uses.
Who Is Electric Optics? - I'm seeing Electric Optics brand everywhere these days? Where did they come from?
EL Troubleshooting Guide - If your EL Wire stops working, this troubleshooting guide is the first place to look. Inside is a list of common reasons why your EL Wire could have stopped working.
SewGlo™ Connection Guide - New to SewGlo™ Illuminated thread and want some help connection? This is the place to be.
The Difference Between Split and Parallel EL Tape - This handy guide is great for determining whether Split or Parallel EL Tape will be better for your project.
How to Connect Parallel EL Tape - Step by step instructions to connect Parallel EL Tape to an inverter, or EZ Snap Connectors
How to Connect Split EL Tape - Step by step instructions to connect Split EL Tape to an inverter, or Molex connectors
EL Tape Billboard - EL Tape can be used in a number of different uses. Think big!
How To Attach EL Tape To A Hard Surface - Quick video to show how to do it easily and quickly.
Lite Tape (EL Tape) Energy Consumption - This page is dedicated to showing the relevant data for EL Tape and how it compare to neon or other lighting sources. Check out the graph to really see the difference in operating costs!
Cutting EL Tape (OR Panels) - This page is due to a common question we get when talking about cutting panels. CHECK out this video!
How To Make Your Own EL Panel Poster - This step by step video guide shows you how to make a light up poster using EL Panels and Vinyl. It's a quick and easy way to make a professional looking sign light up, and a fun project for kids and adults!
The Difference Between VynEL™, Elastolite, and EL Panels - What is VynEL™ Lighting and how it differs from typical EL Panels?
How to Heat Bond VynEL To Fabrics - This guide will walk you through step by step to heat bond VynEL directly to a garment or fabric. It's super easy, a fun DIY project and all kinds of awesome.
MEET VynEL™ - With a cool video showing how cool the future will be through VynEL™!
How To Cut And Connect VynEL™ Panels - This page lets you download a user guide on how to use Crimp Connectors to cut and solder your VynEL™ lights.
Pixel-Free LED™ - Heard about an awesome diffused light strip? Pixel-Free LED is the answer to many lighting needs. It's diffused half-moon profile allows for evenly diffused lighting that installs onto many surfaces, making it perfect for retail and trade show displays, exhibits and more.
EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT LED STRIP LIGHTS - This handy guide will help you navigate the ever changing world of LED Strip lights and how to use them!
Looking for a custom sign made with one of our world class products? Click HERE for a case study of our approach to custom signage.
Project Submission Tool - Need to submit a new custom lighting project?
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